Rotorua Massage
“Places Of Sheer Wonder” Rotorua’s Secrets
Māori – Hawaiian Exchange
Perpetuating Polynesian Massage and Healing Arts.
Wikitoria Māori Healing is returning to Hawaii for the third time to facilitate a Māori Healing Workshop on Kaua’i Island after a presentation at the Hawaiian Lomilomi Conference 2014. The traditional Polynesian healing massage modalities Romiromi and Lomilomi have similarities and differences.
“We celebrate and share our diverse healing styles and knowledge with our Hawaiian whanaunga (relations) to perpetuate and strengthen our ancient healing arts inherited and passed down from our ancestors and a powerful healing modality in this millennium” says Wiki.
Assisted by her whanaunga Timoti Bramley, also from the Ngati Whakaue tribe of Rotorua, Wiki looks forward to training local Hawaiians and people from many other cultures interested in learning the ancient Māori massage and bodywork based on universal principles and strongly connected to nature. Māori Romiromi and Mirimiri taught by Wiki is founded on the work of her mentor and Kaiako the late Rangatira and Tohunga Papa Hohepa De La Mere.
“I am passionate about passing on this taonga (treasure) and body of knowledge to people from all walks of life knowing that it can make so much difference in individuals, families and communities for health, wellness and potential”, says Wiki.
In March 2015, Wikitoria Māori Healing will host the return of Hawaiian Kumu and Lomilomi practitioner Haunani Hopkins who will facilitate three levels of Lomilomi Massage Workshops at Taheke Marae, Rotorua, to share the ancient and traditional Hawaiian healing massage and bodywork with the local Māori community and people of all cultures interested in the Polynesian healing arts.