Wikitoria Māori Healing in Rotorua offers:

Traditional Romiromi Bodywork

Wikitoria is a traditional Māori healing practitioner and teacher with 20 years experience, trained under her mentor Papa Joe Delamere and kaiako Ruatau Perez.

Book a traditional Māori bodywork for inner healing, rejuvenation, health and wellness.

Release energies not serving you, strengthen your immune system and nourish your soul

Holistic and Traditional Rotorua Māori healing bodywork.

Kia tau te rangimarie - Let there be peace

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Choose one of our Rotorua Maori Healing options

1 Romiromi - body alignment, deep bodywork, spiritual healing

2 Haputanga Traditional Pregnancy Massage

Traditional Māori Healing Workshops in Rotorua - Aotearoa, Australia, Rarotonga and Europe

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Would you like to learn traditional bodywork and healing ?

Our up coming traditional Māori healing workshops come at a pivotal time in our global experience. This work is needed more now than ever and goes way beyond the physical into the realms of consciousness.If you are interested in indigenous natural healing and want to help others at the same time enhancing your own life, this could be for you ! We also offer Rangatahi workshops.

Choose one of our Māori Healing Workshops

Click Here To Book a traditional Māori Healing Workshop