Haputanga Massage (Antenatal Massage)
Haputanga Massage during your special pregnancy Journey, helps mothers bond with baby. Our soft and gentle pregnancy massage relieves tensions, back pain, sore legs, bladder and organ discomfort and and helps you and baby feel more comfortable and relaxed.
Massage increases circulation and makes more room for baby to grow as it aids the flow of amniotic fluid surrounding baby in the uterus. We massage mothers and babies from three months until full term.
This is a sacred time bringing a new soul into the world. At this time on Earth many old souls are incarnating and your baby will love this pampering! We mihi to you, your baby and your tupuna (ancestors).
We have a special massage cushion we use on the floor for ease of movement before and after massage. It is designed for early or late term Mums. Dad needs to bond with baby too so bring him along and he can learn what to do!
Fertility - How to get pregnant naturally
A Romiromi massage has helped many people through the ages in this area as problems conceiving is often about energy blockages. Romiromi clears those blockages to make ‘spiritual space’ for a soul to come in. When partners energies are in balance and aligned there is a more harmonious and inviting environment for a new baby, a new soul.
I have had many women come to me who are still holding spiritual residue from babies they have lost whether miscarried, stillborn or terminated.
In our Traditional Romiromi Healing we can find if you are still holding your lost baby on a spiritual level. We talk you through the emotional and physical letting go and recommend a traditional kawe mate that completes the spiritual process. You can share this with your partner or close family. This is a very awesome experience. I have been through it myself and feel blessed to be able to share our ancient knowledge with you.
Mauri ora

Pregnancy Massage Testimonials
Had a beautiful Mirimiri/RomiRomi… haputanga with Wiki, It was bliss. The massage was so amazing that my back has released. She even gave my puku a massage and gosh, my baby has done nothing but relax. Im going back and Gav is coming with me for the next so that he can get some work done on his back. I haven’t felt pain-free like this for years. Really released the tension and whatever I’ve been storing in my muscles.
Hi, I am hoping that you can pass a message on to your cousin Timoti. I had a haputanga massage with him in July last year at Rotorua whilst I was pregnant with this little fella. I want to let you both know that it was a wonderful experience, it actually completely changed my comfort level and a wonderful cultural experience. And I also wanted to share with Timoti our beautiful son Noah who was born comfortably at home on October 21st. One more peaceful birth, sincerely
Tracie & Sandy
Good Morning Wikitoria, I hope you are well! I don't know if you remember me but my father contacted you about how I have been trying to fall pregnant, I came to see you may/June this year. Well I am 8 weeks pregnant with Twins! So just waiting until I'm 12 weeks to announce it to everyone but I wanted to sincerely Thank you. Kind Regards