Rarotonga Romiromi

Network to Heal
Matariki and Romiromi
Always an exciting and auspicious time the Māori New Year of Matariki. I love seeing the star cluster of nine low in the night sky, looking north east along from Tautoro, Orion’s belt from July 11 this year 2023. To me the “little eyes of God” look like a precious diamond with a tail.
During Matariki we remember our departed loved ones, grateful for the legacy they have left us and acknowledge their ongoing spiritual journeys. We celebrate our accomplishments of the past year, sharing kai with whanau and friends. A time of peace and reflection, letting go of the old to bring in the new. Planting new crops and regrowth is symbolic of Matariki.
Romiromi, traditional Māori healing, comes from the stars… an ancient memory held within our race. Some people sense the haemata (pressure points) on the body light up like stars. Our light bodies are connected to the stars.
When a person experiences this ancient healing, the shift in vibration resonates deeply on a soul level.
In a session of Romiromi you can release layers from the past that don’t belong to you or no longer serve you. If this extraneous energy is residing in the body it can put you out of balance and even lead to cellular breakdown and blockage.
When more space is created in the body our spiritual energies can envigorate and protect the systems of the body. We shift closer to our original vibration making it easier to realise our full potential as a human being and embrace our soul purpose. We sometimes need to face our biggest fears to truly shift into the present and into our heart space where we experience aroha our Māori word for unconditional love and the path of the breath.
Ngā mihi nui ki a Matariki …our ancestors in the sky!
Arohanui, Wikitoria