A Mihi to Papa Hohepa Delamere

Kāhu ki Rotorua: Self-healing journey blossoms into career
Wānanga-entering a workshop space
When you join a workshop you will enter a ‘wānanga’ a sacred safe place for receiving knowledge and learning. Our ancient Māori healing work flows through the whatumanawa, the heart space. Romiromi is an exchange of vibration, a reflection of the frequencies and exchanges of Papatuanuku- Mother Earth and Ranginui, Sky Father.
In Romiromi these universal elements are awakened and brought into balance. The human physical immune system is strengthened as our bodywork healing Romiromi works at a cellular level. On a spiritual level the higher aspect of spirit, the ‘mauri’ or life essence/principal is awakened . This is the same life essence that flows through the environment and all living things including the human being.
During the first morning of the workshop/wānanga you will learn about the origins and philosophies of Traditional Māori Healing. Foundations and principles will be laid before we start our physical practice so that students can work in safety and neutrality with each other. You will learn a Romiromi sequence in Whenua ora -Level One and have the opportunity to practice the sequence and receive a Romiromi. More importantly the vibrations of Romiromi are to be felt and experienced through the opening of the senses and a state of stillness.
The ultimate aim of learning to be a Romiromi practitioner is to be a vessel for higher vibrational frequencies to flow through you and interact with the person receiving the Romiromi. You simply have to ‘get out of the way’ or in other words learn to use ‘no human energy’ to trigger the best possible outcomes for your patient/person receiving and exchanging the higher frequencies and vibrations.
Tihei Mauri Ora (Awaken the Breath of Life!)
Note: You do not have to have done any healing work before participating in a workshop. An open mind and heart is more important. You can come from any religion, culture or background. Every human being has the potential to practice this healing work as every human being is a spark of IO – Creator, Source, God.
AROHANUI, Wikitoria