Wahine Wellness – Women’s Health, Matariki Fertility
Wānanga-entering a workshop space
A Mihi to Papa Hohepa Delamere
PAPA JOE (Hohepa De La Mere)
All my workshops are dedicated to Papa Hohepa De La Mere (Papa Joe), a humble Tohunga from the East Coast. He seeded a great body of cosmic knowledge, ancestral knowledge into the human race. His teachings and healing work reached to the far corners of planet Earth and were spread throughout Aotearoa.
I was fortunate to train in one of Papa’s traditional clinics in Auckland from 2001. My first memorable teaching from him was over on Aotea (Great Barrier Island) after squashing into a small plane with Papa Joe, Atarangi Muru, Audie Beazley and our massage tables!
We stayed at Medlands beach where we held a clinic for the locals who invited us over there. I also remember Papa going down to the beach at night to do his other ‘planetary alignment’ work.
The first lesson Papa gave me there was to hold the big toes of whoever was on the table and practice ‘no energy’ for ages. It wasn’t until much later that I understood why he was training me to do that…to become ‘neutral’ and a channel for higher frequencies to flow through. Today I teach my students to do the same.
I am forever grateful to Papa Joe for crossing my path and sharing the ancient ancestral knowledge to myself and so many others.
He taonga tuku iho
Papa Joe passed in 2006. I recently revisited his resting place, Papa’s whanau urupa a little north of Te Kaha on a peninsula looking out over the ocean. To say ‘rest in peace’ would probably make Papa laugh as he continues to work as a multi-dimensional being, giving us guidance and so much aroha.