Testimonials for Māori Healing Workshops
Ema Rerehau
March 2025
Kia ora Wiki
Thank you again for having me at the wananga. I am so blessed to be on this journey. Most weeks I get to practice which has been great, and I am slowly making my way through the kaupare - currently on verse 2 😁Tēnā koe Huia
I would like to express my gratitude for your mahi and tautoko during the level 1 romiromi wananga. Thank you for facilitating a space for me to release what was no longer serving me.
When I left the wananga, and even now, I am a little lost for words to describe my experiences. The best way I can try to explain what happened was that it was life changing, out of this world, and one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had.
I am very grateful for receiving Papa Joe’s matauranga through both yourself and Wiki.
I just wanted to share my feedback with you and let you know how much of an impact the wananga has had on myself and my whanau.
Ka nui te mihi!
Naku i roto i te aroha,
January 2025
Kia ora Wiki and HuiaI am very grateful for the sharing of the teachings and for the space that you both held. The openness and gentleness of spirit you both bring is what allows such a space to be so nourishing - and these qualities in your practice is what no doubt allows for deep transformation.I know that it's me who creates my work experience, but it also helped support me to have a different experience than maybe I would have in other spaces or in different times of my life. I noticed that I didn't have the whakamā arise that I have had previously because of not having the reo, not being "Māori enough", being seen as a stranger to my own whenua and culture because of my years away. I was able to recognise my journey both with te ao Māori and beyond, knowing I'm on my path and healing those feelings of disconnection, and feel completely at ease with where I am in that. You both and the group helped create that due to the ease and warmth everything was approached with.
Heidi H
May 2019
Wiki, Kia Ora and thank you I have been processing many things since my weekend in Queenstown. I felt this was a life changing experience for me with regards to the way I want to assist people in healing and I mean to mearly ‘assist’ as a vessel for higher wisdoms to heal the individual. For me personally, it was a huge awakening. I thought it was mearly for the love and appreciation for ancient healing wisdoms that I was at your workshop, but now I know it was also much deeper than that. Thank you so much for starting to open my eyes to such a deep level of healing and helping me start to release unneeded energy from my body. I only wish I could continue to practice and strengthen what I learned with the wonderful group in Queenstown. Thanks again Wiki for everything. You are such a special person and I hope we will meet again.Blessings,
Ngarissa 💕
March 2023
Such a beautiful bunch of souls So much aroha and gratitude for a life changing experience over the weekend 💖Arohanui
November 2022
Whenua Ora Level 1 - my first hand experience attending this workshop. Wikitoria host / trainer plus co-support trainer - Cran, left me truly intrigued and grateful. I left yearning to seek more, because I connected with something more powerful than I have learned through a mainstream pathway of over 20 years as a registered health professional. The practice of traditional Maori healing, demonstrated to me, an holistic whole recognition of the entire nervous system and cellular memory network of which is of particular interest to me, as I purposefully walk with and alongside people from all sectors of the community, to help break the cycle of intergenerational trauma, finding home and healing and changing the trajectory of generations to come.In the training, I had no idea I was about to be brought to a huge conscious awareness myself, of which I would term a major life shift / healing. As a result, my whole being, mind, body and soul/spirit had a sense of true knowing relating to, surrender, inner peace, restoration and balance. The training environment and expertise reflected from Wikitoria and Cran was significantly evident. Their attention to co-training delivery, was lead with the utmost care, integrity and respect to all trainee participants.I simply and wholehearted say THANK YOU💚🌀❤
April 2022
I had a life changing experience with Wikitoria and Cran who shared their wisdom, knowledge & time with us over the Easter Weekend Level 1 workshop. Romiromi and Mirimiri with Wikitoria is amazing and I can't wait to come back for Level 2 & 3. Mauri ora!