Our up coming traditional Māori healing workshops come at a pivotal time in our global experience. This work is needed more now than ever and goes way beyond the physical into the realms of consciousness. Romiromi supported by Mirimiri is an ancient bodywork practice, a sacred gift from our ancestors.
All body workers, counsellors, health practitioners and all people interested in our traditional Polynesian Healing Arts, personal growth and spiritual awareness are welcome to participate. No experience necessary.
Please email Wikitoria -wikiromi@gmail.com if you would like a registration form for a particular workshop or click on the workshop below where you can follow the prompts to book in.
Wikitoria and Cran are skilled professional teachers and graciously share their depth of knowledge of Romi Romi. As a pākehā clinical psychologist/kaimatai hinengaro I learnt about the depth of trauma, both emotional and physical, that can be held in the body and how it can be released safely to improve mental and physical health. Romi Romi can progress healing in ways that talking therapies, and medications can't. This indigenous knowledge is now being acknowledged within the border health system by ACC and Te Whatu Ora and about time too. I highly recommend this series of waananga for all health professionals.
Romiromi can make so much difference in your life and help shift you into wellness and your fullest life potential. Romiromi healing is a very profound experience that can impact on past and future generations in that it helps to clear ancestral karma.
In Levels 1, 2 and 3 you will receive a certificate of attendance.
Piki te Ora
Traditional Romiromi bodywork and Mirimiri healing
WHENUA ORA - Level One
- Origins of Māori Healing - Spiritual Whakapapa
- Māori spiritual and cultural concepts -Kaupare (ancient prayer)
- Work safely in a multi-dimensional modality
- "Mauri ki te Mauri" - essence of wellbeing
- Basic body haemata (pressure points) to activate the release of cellular blockages
- Learn a Romiromi bodywork alignment /sequence
WAI ORA - Level Two
- Read energy centres and rebalance the body
- Takutaku (ancient prayer)
- Romiromi practice working with a rakau (floor work)
- Strengthening the central nervous system
- Mirimiri korero (counselling)
- Clearing extraneous and negative energies
MAURI ORA - Level Three (Aotearoa - NZ )
- Haputanga (Traditional Pregnancy massage)
- Rongoa - Kawakawa detox and whakapapa
- Whatumanawa Waananga
- Haemata for sexual interference trauma
- Enhancing your practice
Facilitators/Kaiako: Wikitoria Oman, Mihaka Hohua, Huia Bramley, Maureen Kumeroa
$725 per workshop
Enter your details into the below Reservation Forms when you click on the Workshop Date that you would like to participate.

Please contact Wikitoria (NEW ZEALAND) - wikiromi@gmail.com for any queries and registration or Phone: +64 21 0272 3650 for assistance.
*Note: Wikitoria Maori Healing reserves the right to cancel a workshop if numbers do not reach full capacity. You will be informed by email and given option to refund your deposit or full payment or defer to a later workshop. Read Our Refunds Policy Here